Monday, April 19, 2010

Golden Showers

What a treat we are experiencing this month. We are being showered in golden sunlight in Ireland.

As I was walking today I came across a Cherry tree weighed down with beautiful pale pink blossom that was gently falling like snowflakes or confetti. I went to stand under the tree to experience the falling of the blossom. There was a noise like the distant buzzing of large propeller plane so I looked into the branches and to my delight saw about 50 bumble bees collecting the pollen. I was so thankful to see they had survived the coldest winter we have had here in 47 years.

So what can we do to build our resilience this month. Lets take a leaf out of the bees book and GET ACTIVE!

- Start walking: Stretch your body before and after your walk.
- Practice Mindfulness while you are walking. Notice how your feet plant themselves with each step.
- Stop and focus for 2 minutes on a tree or flower. What do you see?

Mindfulness and exercise are proven to contribute to your Brain's growth, isn't it worth taking care of! And, did you know that your Brain keeps growing until the day you die?

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