How would you know if you found inner peace?
Would you be happy, still, in love with everything and everyone around you?
Most of us don't know what that would look like, feel like, have no sense of it at all. And sadly, have never experienced inner peace.
How do you find it, do you have to have a map? Do you have to sit and stare at a wall for hours/days? Maybe even travel to an Ashram and be in silence for days.
Ask yourself "what would my life be like if I lived within this experience?"
Make a start right now and put everything down and just pay attention. What can you hear, what are you looking at? What are you physically feeling? Breathe.
The first step is to be present, the next step is to be present, and the next step is to be present....and the next....Get the idea.
Living in the moment is all there is. Make sure you make the most of your time here and become present and at peace.