Friday, February 26, 2010

Treating Combat Stress using Energy Psychology Techniques

Combat Stress and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects many men and women in armed and civilian forces around the world today.

In summer 2008 I was asked to participate in a unique event in Colombia, Georgia, USA, when a selected team of Energy Psychology professional practitioners, using a technique called TAT, facilitated a two-week workshop for serving and veteran members of the US armed forces.

Below are a number of stories about that experience, and their follow-up one year later; the stories of Special Forces Staff Sergeant Brian Davis (Rtd), Master Sergeant (E8) Mario Cirinise and Special Forces Colonel Biff Hadden (Rtd), with professional assessment of the results by my colleague, Harold McRae.

Energy Psychology techniques incorporate a number of different protocols, such as TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). The final video shows how EFT has been used with combat veterans in VA hospitals in the USA, and the remarkeable results that have been achieved.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New event in Dublin: ZPoint Process

I am thrilled that Grant Connolly has agreed to come to Dublin to teach in person, for the very first time. I have used his ZPoint Process technique myself, and with some clients, and I am really impressed at the results we have achieved. It really does achieve 'peace of mind'.

The details are here

I hope that you will take advantage of what Grant has promised will be a genuinely life-changing experience. He has generously agreed to keep the cost to you as low as possible. Watch out, though! The Early Bird runs out on Sunday 28th Feb.

I look forward to welcoming you on the day.

(PS: I've added a video of Grant onto the Booking page so that you can hear him speak about it in his own words.)